We all know health trends come and go so it’s no surprise a new phrase has been added to the health industry. “Crowding out your diet” is the latest health phrase influencers and companies have been using recently. But what is it and how can you incorporate it into your diet to get healthy?
What Is “Crowding Out Your Diet?”
“Crowding out your diet” is a term the Institute for Integrative Nutrition invented in their 2016 blog. Essentially, it means focusing on eating healthy foods. “Crowding out” is the natural process that happens when you add more whole and healthy foods to your diet, which “crowds out” the bad food items. The idea is that the more healthy food you add to your diet, the less room there will be for junk foods. You “crowd out” unhealthy foods and a balanced and healthy diet will replace it. Eventually, over time, you’ll start to crave the healthy foods instead of the bad ones.
3 Easy Ways to Use “Crowding Out” to Get Healthy
1. Eat more vegetables
Make this “crowding out” process fun by focusing on all the fun, fresh vegetables you can have! Think about how you expand your palette with nutrient-rich foods. Did you know only 1 out of 10 Americans eat their recommended servings of 2-3 cups of vegetables a day? Make 2 to 3 cups your goal and try new foods!
This can be a fun and experimental time to discover what veggies you do and don’t like. But, if trying new foods sounds scary and overwhelming, try our Organic Greens powder to get your full serving of vegetables. Get your superfoods and antioxidants from one organic product. The ingredients in this product will not only provide your serving of greens, but also detox the body, reduce blood pressure, inflammation, and blood sugar, and support immunity.
2. Find Alternative for Your Favorite Junk Food
Don’t look at “crowding out” as a negative lifestyle change by focusing on what you can’t have. Instead, focus on what you can consume and how it makes you feel. We guarantee our Whey Protein powder makes you feel more full and satisfied versus cookies and trans-fat-filled chips that will leave you hungry again in another hour. With tasty flavors like Chocolate, Cookie Dough, Fruity Cereal, and Vanilla Ice Cream, our protein shakes make it the perfect, tasty snack!
3. Take It Slow
With any big lifestyle change that you want to stick with, it’s important to pace yourself. The key to having big lifestyle changes last is making slow changes to incorporate into your diet, and then building on top of them. Don’t overwhelm yourself and your body with too many changes at once. This is where creating small goals can help you succeed! Some example goals could be trying a new vegetable once a week, hitting your goal of eating 2-3 cups of vegetables a day, or substituting one unhealthy snack with a healthy one.

If you need help changing your diet, WAYT Nutrition offers health, fitness, and exercise coaching for FREE at waytnutrition.com. We help you assess where you’re at now and create a plan for how to get you where you want to go. Ready to retake control of your health and empower your body? Browse our selection of supplements here.